

2. Installation

Installation & Upgrade


To install correctly Drop Shipping in your Magento 2, here are the steps to follow :

  1. Download the extension (provided as a ZIP archive) from your BoostMyShop account, My Downloads section.

  2. Unzip the downloaded archive, then upload extracted files to your server, into the Magento root folder.


    If files upload have been done correctly, a “DropShip” folder should then be visible in directory app/code/BoostMyShop/.

  3. Connect to your server via SSH, and run the following command lines :

php bin/magento module:enable BoostMyShop_DropShip

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush


Once the Drop Shipping extension is installed, you will have to create a new “DropShip” Warehouse in ERP :

  • Go into menu Embedded ERP > Warehouses and create a new warehouse named “Drop Shipping”, put the “DropShip” fulfillment method on this warehouse. More information : Warehouse configuration.
  • Go into menu Embedded ERP > Warehouses routing, enable “Use for sales” and “Use for shipment” and give a “10” priority for the drop shipping warehouse you created.


The upgrade process is exactly the same as the installation process.

Simply upload the new version files on your server, then run all the installation command lines, except the one used to enable Drop Shipping module as it will be already enabled.


Disable module

To disable Drop Shipping module, connect to your server via SSH, and run the following command line :

php bin/magento module:disable BoostMyShop_DropShip

Delete tables in database

In order to delete Drop Shipping tables from your database, please run these SQL commands.

-- Remove DropShipping tables

 DROP bms_dropship_log;
 DROP bms_supplier_stock_import;
 DROP bms_supplier_stock_import_details;

Reset Drop Shipping data

After a test installation for example, you can reset all Drop Shipping data from database using the following command lines.

These command lines will clear the “Logs” tab of Drop Shipping main screen, and all supplier stock import records already made.

-- Clean DropShipping tables

TRUNCATE bms_dropship_log;
TRUNCATE bms_supplier_stock_import;
TRUNCATE bms_supplier_stock_import_details;

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