3. Configuration
The configuration is available in menu stores > configuration > boostmyshop > barcode label.
Barcode Generation
You can control here the way our extension automatically assign barcodes for products.
- Enable : if enabled, a barcode number is automatically assigned to new products
- Barcode attribute : select here the barcode attribute to use to store and retrieve the barcode number
- Barcode type : select the barcode standard to use to print the barcode label
- Assign barcodes : to be run at the very first time to assign barcode to existing products
Label items
You can here specify what information can be printed on the label.
- Location attribute : product attribute to use to retrieve the product bin location
- Manufacturer attribute : product attribute to use to retrieve the product manufacturer
- Custom1 attribute : additionnal product attribute to use
- Custom2 attribute : additionnal product attribute to use
- Free text : allow to print a static text on the label
- Company logo : your logo
Label layout
In this section you can configure the label size and what information will be printed on.
- Measurement : Select the measurement unit to use for for Height / weight setting.
- Label height : Height dimension of printed labels.
- Label height : Width dimension of printed labels.
- Content : In this section, you can configure what informations will be displayed on printed labels. More information below.
- Preview : This section displays a label preview (using information coming form the last simple product created in your Magento).
Several settings are available for each information to display :
- Print ? : Enable this option if you want to print the information on the label generated.
- Position : Here you can setup the position (from the top left corner of the label) of the information to print.
First number will be the position from the left, second one will be the position from the top.
- Size : Here you can define what will be the size of the information once displayed on the label.
If a text is displayed, the size setting will refer to its font-size.
If an image is displayed, the size etting will refer to its width and height.

You have to include these variables between curly brackets in your ZPL code.
For example to include porduct SKU, use {sku}
Font Change Option
In the latest version of the Barcode Label extension, we do have the option to change the font file according to the user's needs.
You will have to follow the below step to configure the Font File option:
- Place the Font file to the path app/code/BoostMyShop/BarcodeLabel/Fonts
- From the Configuration >> Boost My Shop >> Barcode Label >> General >> Font File => Configure the font file name with the .ttf extension.