

3. Suppliers

Suppliers are available from menu Embedded ERP > Suppliers management > Suppliers.
From the grid displayed, you can click on any row to display supplier details, or click on "Add New Supplier" to add a new one.
You can import suppliers from a CSV file clicking on the "Import" button located at the top-right corner of the screen.

Available tabs


  1. Code : Supplier code, used by ERP to identify suppliers in imported files. It should not contain spaces and lowercase characters. 
  2. Email : This email address will be used to notify purchase orders to suppliers (their PDF will be attached to emails sent). That's a very important setting to ensure a good working of the procurement system.
       Supplier address fields, used for internal purposes.


  1. Minimum of order : Displays a warning message in the purchase order if the order total doesn’t reach the minimum value
  2. Carriage Free Amount : Displays a warning message in the purchase order if the order total doesn’t reach the carriage free amount
  3. Currency : Used to initialize the PO currency (can be changed then)
  4. Tax rate : Used to initialize the PO tax rate (can be changed then)


Notification settings
  1. Send email notification : Send an email to the supplier when "Notify" is clicked in POs or on grouped notifications sending (see below)
  2. Status for notified PO : Change POs status to the selected one once they have been notified to the supplier
  3. Attach PDF : Attach the PO PDF to email sent to the supplier
  4. Attach File : Attach the CSV file to email sent to the supplier (generated using settings of the "Files settings" section below)
  5. Upload file on ftp : Upload the CSV file (generated using settings of the "Files settings" section below) on a FTP server once the supplier is notified.
Grouped notifications
To enable group notifications execution, you will need to uncomment a crontask added in file of the Supplier module, located at :
In this file, remove the whole line 5 : "<!-- Disabled, use cron integration instead", and the whole line 11 : "-->".

  1. Enable : Enable the "Grouped notifications" system, that will send POs to the supplier on scheduled hours.
  2. Notification hours : This setting appears only if the previous option is set to "Yes".
    From there you can schedule at what time(s) the system should look at purchase orders to notify to the supplier, and send them.
  3. Current server time : Time of your server, to use to get a correct schedule of notification hours (previous option)

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