Shipping labels can be managed from menu Embedded ERP > Order preparation > Shipping label templates
From there you can configure the way our extension will export orders information into a CSV, text of PDF file.
Once packing step has been confirmed, order information file will be downloaded.
You can then import this kind of file into your carrier software system to print shipping labels.
Field | Description |
Name | Set there the shipping template name |
Status | Set the status to Active to enable this shipping template |
Type | Select “Order details file export” for txt, csv & xml shipping templates. Set “simple address label” for PDF ones. |
Associate shipping methods | When shipping labels will be generated for an order, it will retrieve the matching templates based on the shipping method(s) selected there. |
There you can configure the shipping label files structure and content (only used for “Order details” labels).
Field | Description |
File name | Name of shipping labels generated, must include file extension in the file name. Ex : for a CSV file, name will be “your_template_name.csv”. |
Mime type | Select shipping label type. Must match with the file extension provided in the “file name” option. |
File header line | Set scheme of file header (if exists). Most of the time this is the column’s names, separated by a coma or a semi-colon. |
Header line for orders | Set scheme of header line for each order in the template. You can use available codes there, putting them between curly brackets. Ex : for code “order.increment_id”, you have to write “{order.increment_id}”. |
Line for each products in orders | Set scheme of product lines in the template. This line is repeated for each product of an order. |
Footer line for orders | Set scheme of footer line in the template. This line is added at the end of each order. |
File footer line | Set scheme of file footer (if exists). Most of the time it’s only used to close XML tags opened in the file header field, in the case of XML files. |
You don’t need to add a carriage return at the end of each field, as one will automatically be added at the end of File header line, Header line for orders, Line for each products in orders & File footer line fields in the files generated.
There you can configure the structure of the CSV files that will be imported from the tracking numbers import available from the Order preparation screen, at the Shipping step.
Field | Description |
Skip first line | If checked, first record will be skipped (useful if first line contains header) |
Field separator | Character used to mark separation of field in a record. |
Shipment reference column index (from 1) | Position of the shipment reference |
Order reference column index (from 1) | Position of the order reference |
Tracking number column index (from 1) | Position of the tracking number |
Create shipment if not exist | Create a shipment if it doesn’t exist |
Create shipment if not exist
option will create shipment if the option is enabled but also create invoice according to your settings in ERP > Order preparation > Configuration > Packing > Create order invoice
You can use these codes to include order or product details in file exported (only used for “Order details” labels).
Any code must be added between curly brackets to be replaced by its value during the export.
For example to include the order number, you should use :
Depending of the type of shipping label created (see shipping label configuration), the configuration needed differs.
This section provides details about configuration needed for each kind of shipping label.
“Order details” labels will export into a CSV file information about order and ordered products.
Important settings are the following ones :
- General tab :
- Type : “Order details”
- Export tab :
- File name : “XXXXX.csv” or “XXXXX.xml”
- Mime type : “text, csv” or “xml”
- Line break : “CR”
Then, you will have to configure export templates, to get correct information exported.
Here are some example for both “text, csv” and “xml” configurations.
000000008;Olivier;Zimmermann;3.00;12 rue des champs elysees;paris;75001;FR
o;000000008;Olivier;Zimmermann;3.00;12 rue des champs elysees;paris;75001;FR
p;2;NOK1260;Nokia 2460 3G;3067263547372
p;1;headset12;Nokia headset 10122;3097263999972
<order id="{order.increment_id}">
<product sku="{orderitem.sku}" qty="orderitem.qty_shipped">
<order id="000000008">
<street>12 rue des champs elysees</street>
<product sku="NOK1260" qty="2">
<product sku="headset12" qty="1">
“Address label” labels will generate PDF files containing order address.
Here are settings to apply for these shipping label templates :
- General tab :
- Type : “Address label”
- Export tab :
- File name : “XXXXX.pdf”
- Mime type : “pdf”
You can also configure details about PDF generated from the configuration.
From the Order preparation screen, at the Shipping step, you get the possibility to import a CSV file that contains [order/shipment] references and their associated tracking numbers.
Here are settings to apply to be able to import these kind of files :
- General tab :
- Type : “Order details”
- Export tab :
- File name : “XXXXX.csv”
- Mime type : “text, csv”
- Import tab :
- Skip first line : “Yes” if your file contains a header, else “No”.
- Field separator : The columns separator in your file.
- Shipment reference column index : The index of the shipment # in your file. (MANDATORY or “Order reference column” instead)
- Order reference column index : The index of the order # in your file. (MANDATORY or “Shipment reference column” instead)
- Tracking number column index : The index of the tracking # in your file. (MANDATORY)
- Create shipment if not exist : If enabled, ERP will create shipments for all orders associated to tracking numbers imported if they were not already created.
All columns indexes start from 1, so for example if the shipment reference is available in the first column of your file, the “Shipment reference column index” setting must be set to “1”.
The shipping label system can work with some Magento extensions providing shipping label download features :
To make it work with these extensions, follow these few steps :
- Create a new template
- Give it a name and set it “Enabled”
- In the “Mime type” dropdown, select “PDF”
- In the “Type” dropdown, select the correct value
- In the “Associated shipping method” list, check all magento shipping methods that should be handled with the extension
- Go into the “Export” tab, then enter a name with the “PDF” extension at the end, like : “shipping_label.pdf”
- Save the shipping template
Once done, in the order preparation module when you will end the Packing step, the button “Download shipping label” will generate the shipping label PDF automatically.