Stock Helper

Stock Helper


The stock helper screen has been designed to  help you to optimize your products ideal & warning stock levels  depending of procurement and sales history data.
In this grid, you will find for each product one row by warehouse it is associated to.

Only simple and virtual products will be displayed in this grid , as others kind of products should not be stock managed, meaning they don’t have any ideal or warning stock level.
Please take a look at the  Concepts section to better understand how are working warning & ideal stock levels.
By the same way, simple and virtual products having the Magento inventory option “Manage stock” set to “No” will not be displayed in this screen.
The “Manage stock” option of each product can be found going into Catalog > Products grid, selecting a product, then going into Advanced Inventory popup > Manage stock.

Available columns

Here is the list and definition of each column available in the grid :

Product image.
Product sku.
Product name.
Warehouse associated to the product.
Available Qty
Quantity available for the product, in the warehouse of the previous column.
Sales history of the product.
Avg per week
Number of sales per week (calculated from sales history).
Lead time
Number of days needed by the supplier associated to the product for sending.
Run out (days)
Number of days until the product will be out of stock.
Warning stock level
Product warning stock level. See “Concepts” section for more information.
Ideal stock level
Product ideal stock level. See “Concepts” section for more information.
Qty to order
Suggested qty to order (calculated from pending backorders, product warning stock level & qty to receive).
Suppliers associated to the product.
Product “discontinued” attribute. See “Procurement” documentation for more explainations.
You can export the stock helper data into a CSV file using the Export button located in the top-right corner of the screen.

Columns calculation

Lead time

The "lead time" value is calculated using supplier delays, as following :
lead_time = supplier_supply_delay + supplier_shipping_delay
Suppliers supply and shipping delays can be configured from the Suplier edition screen, in the “Settings” tab.
Only suppliers having the “primary” option in the product/supplier association set to “Yes” will be considered for the product lead time calculation.
More information on the “primary” option in the product/supplier association documentation.

Avg per week

The "avg per week" value is calculated using sales history data, as following :
avg_sales_for_sales_history_range_X = number_of_sales_in_sales_history_range_X /   number_of_weeks_in_sales_history_range_X

average_sales_per_week = (avg_sales_for_sales_history_range_1  +  avg_sales_for_sales_history_range_2  +  avg_sales_for_sales_history_range_3) / 3
The sales history ranges can be configured from the Inventory management configuration.
They are not automatically updated, they only get updated with the execution of an SSH command line.
You can add a cron task on this command line if you wish to get them automatically updated at a specific interval.

Run out (days)

The Run out (days) value is calculated using the warehouse available qty and the Avg per week value :
run_out_days = warehouse_available_qty / average_sales_per_week
If your product has no available quantity in a warehouse, or if its average sales per week value is 0, the run out value will not be calculated as the result of the calculation would be 0.


The "Recommendations" column displays warning & ideal stock levels calculated by the " Warning & ideal stock levels automatic update".

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