Technical resources

Technical resources

99. Technical resources

Command lines

Procurement extension comes with a few command lines.

They can be executed in console mode using php bin/magento CMD, where “CMD” has to be replaced with one of the available commands.


If you get this error running one of the following command lines : “Area code is already set”

Please open the php file containing the command code (these files are located in app\code\BoostMyShop\Supplier\Console\Command\, and named as command lines names)

Then, find and replace the following line :


by :

}catch(\Exception $ex)
     //do nothing

Init discontinued attribute


This command is only available since procurement version 1.3.132, or ERP version 1.5.1.

php bin/magento bms_supplier:init_supply_discontinued

Initialize discontinued attribute for all products (setting it to “No”).


More information on the discontinued attribute : FAQ - Discontinued attribute

Update products cost

php bin/magento bms_supplier:update_product_cost

Calculate average cost of products based on their buying price in already received purchase orders.

Update products cost

php bin/magento bms_supplier:update_qty_to_receive

Update the “quantity to receive” attribute for all products.

In this attribute is stored the total quantity to receive (from all expected purchase orders), usefull only when the full ERP package is installed as only used by one of its module.

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    • Technical Resources

      8. Technical Resources ​8.1 Command Lines
    • Technical Resources

      99. Technical resources Command lines Inventory management extension comes with a few command lines. They can be executed in console mode using php bin/magento CMD, where “CMD” has to be replaced with one of the available commands. Warning If you get ...