Supplier Stock Import

Supplier Stock Import

4. Supplier Stock Import

Drop Shipping module brings a new stock import feature that will import stock from a CSV file into any “supplier warehouse”.

This will help to keep a warehouse updated with your supplier stock to then allow it to be purchased on your website, for example.

Supplier stock import functions are located in 2 new tabs added to suppliers edition screen :

  • Stock Import Settings
  • Stock Import History

Stock Import Settings

This tab is designed to configure how the supplier stock should be imported, and where the CSV file containing the stock is located.

It is divided into several subsections.

Stock file import

Chose there the kind of import that should be done.

You can chose between 3 options :

FTPStock file is located on the supplier FTP server.
URLStock file is available from the supplier website URL.
Local fileStock file is located on your own server.


Depending of the option chosen, a new subsection will appear below this one, where you will be able to define details about the file location.

FTP settings

This subsection appear if you chose to import supplier stock via FTP.

You should provide there details on the FTP connection :

Connection typeCan be SFTP or FTP. For reference all connections made through port 22 are SFTP ones.
HostHost address, generally an IP address.
PortPort to use to connect to the server.
LoginLogin to use to connect to the server.
PasswordPassword to use to connect to the server.
File pathPath of the CSV stock file on the server. Should contain the file name at the end of the path.
Passive modeBy default, connections are made through active mode. Only set the passive mode enabled if required.

URL settings

This subsection appear if you chose to import supplier stock via URL.

You should provide there the URL where the file is located on the supplier server.

File settings

This subsection appear if you chose to import supplier stock via local file.

You should provide there the path where the file is located on your server.


Should contain the file name at the end of the path.

File Settings

There you can define how the system should parse the stock file to be able to find each required information.

There are several parameters that should be defined :

SeparatorSeparator used in the CSV file to make separation between columns. Example : , OR ;
EnclosureCharacter used as enclosure to delimit each field. Example : "
Target WarehouseWarehouse where supplier stock will be imported to.
Sku IndexIndex of SKU column in the file. First column index is 0.
Supplier Sku IndexIndex of Supplier SKU column in the file.
Barcode IndexIndex of Barcode column in the file.
Qty IndexIndex of Qty column in the file.
Buying Price IndexIndex of Buying Price column in the file.


Be careful, all column indexes start from 0.

You must define at least Sku OR Supplier Sku columns indexes which are mandatory columns.

Import Now

This section only contains one button Import now that allow you ti process a manual import to check if settings you defined in previous sections are working well processing a manual import.

Stock Import History

The second tab displays stock import history and allows to download report for each one.


  1. Connection to FTP server.


    If it doesn’t work, the report will be flagged as “In error” as error message and the process will stop.

  2. File will be parsed according to File settings configuration.


    If both Sku and Supplier Sku indexes are set, it will try to retrieve product from Sku and if it can’t be found like this, then it will try to retrieve it from supplier product association using the Supplier Sku.

    If product can not be found, the line will be flagged with status “Product not found”.

  3. Update of supplier buying price and supplier stock if their indexes are set.


    If supplier product association isn’t already set, it will automatically be created during the import process.

    Prices with a value lower than 0 will not be updated.


There are two different ways to run the supplier stock import :

  • From supplier view by clicking on Import Now.

  • From command line by using the following command (replace “YOUR_SUPPLIER_ID” by the ID of the supplier you want to import stock for) :

    php bin/magento bms_dropshipping:supplier_stock_import --supplierId {YOUR_SUPPLIER_ID}


No cron job is added by default on the stock import command line.

In order to schedule this task to run automatically, you must add the previous command in your crontab as a cron job :

0 0 * * * /bin/php bin/magento bms_dropshipping:supplier_stock_import --supplierId {YOUR_SUPPLIER_ID}

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