Barcode label

Barcode label

1. Overview

Barcode Label for Connect is designed to print labels for products directly.

2. How to Work

  1. Navigate through products menu
  2. Choose a product from the product grid
  3. At the right bottom you will find a button for BARCODE LABEL.

  1. Click on the Barcode label, a popup asks for the number of label to print, confirm.

  1. The Barcode PDF will be downloaded in the browser.

3. How to edit

You can edit the barcode label by going on Menu > Settings > Products > Barcode Label 

4. ZPL

If you want to print labels using ZPL format, you must select the ZPL format.

Then use the following code as a ZPL base:

^FO320,90^AE,18,10^FD{price} eur^FS

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