

In the Settings > Catalog section, you can configure the importation of your catalog, competitive data association for the selected sales channel.


Catalog Importation status

Here, you can manually synchronise your catalogue for the selected sales channel.  To do this, simply click on "Sync now".

You can also see when the last synchronisation took place.
Don't hesitate to use this option to make sure that the product information updated in your catalogue is sent to the application.

You can view your import history by clicking on the button at the top right, then on "Logs".
You'll get the pop-up below, showing the last 10 import periods for your catalogue and their status.


Product Matching

By clicking on "Match products" you can see how many products have been linked.

If all your products have been linked, you will see the message below.

If you have one or more non-associated products, you will have the options below:

      - Product Needs Action : Indicates the number of products that are not associated 
      - Product scan : Indicates the number of products that have been scanned for association
      - Ignored products : Indicates the number of products you have chosen to ignore by clicking on "Ignore".
      - Matching Success : Indicates the number of products that have been associated

By clicking on "Skip for now", you can temporarily ignore the association of this product and move on to the next product.

You can also associate your product manually using the URL link to the product on the sales channel. 
Note : The URL should have channel reference number that redirects directly to the product page 

User Product Attributes

The user product attributes option allows you to view the data entered manually in the "Product data" tab of myPricing.
By clicking on the "Manage" button, you will get the pop-up below


You can see the fields and the number of products for which a manual change has been made.

Would you like to delete all manual entries for a given field? Simply click on the 

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