Catalog Import

Catalog Import

Informations about your products

In this part you will find global overview on your products.

Identified products: The number of products that we retrieve from your Product Catalog
Active products: The number of products indicated in your product catalog as active
Products in stock: The number of products indicated in your product catalog as in stock
Number of products: The number of products selected to be sent to the PricingLab application
Product limit: The number of products, authorized by your subscription to myPricng, that we will take into account

It is strongly recommended that the Number of products be less than the Product Limit.
Otherwise the tool will randomly select products every day from the Number of products.
In order to respect your product limit you can use the filtering options.

Filter options

The filter options allow you to exclude products from your Product count or if you just don't want to reproach yourself on certain products.

You can filter the products in different ways:

Manufacturers to exclude: Exclude products from one or more manufacturers
Categories to exclude: Exclude products from one or more categories
Only active products: Include only Active products in your Number of products
Only products in stock: Include only Products in stock in your Number of products
Products with a base price: Include only products included in the price range
Products with a price (VAT excluded): Include only products included in the price range
Products with a price (VAT included): Include only products included in the price range

Clicking on the "Confirm" button will generate a new catalog for the application

Mapping values

The mapping allows you to make the link between the myPricing application and your CMS in order to correctly retrieve the values.

In the left part, you will find the application fields.
In the center the fields of your CMS.
On the right, an example from the first product that we retrieve from your catalog

For each line you will have to match the PricingLab field with the correct field of your CMS.

If you matched correctly but the example does not appear, it is likely that the example product does not have the corresponding data.

Catalog History

Catalog history allows you to view and download product catalogs.

You will find two types of catalog:
full_catalog: This is the catalog that we retrieve from your CMS
catalog: This is the catalog that corresponds to Number of products, which we use on the application

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