Chaotic storage - Picking missions

Chaotic storage - Picking missions


Picking missions are generated from order preparation or stock transfer to handle the picking when you use the chaotic storage feature.

If you want to manually pick / move products, you should use the Chaotic slotting feature, available on the mobile application.

How to create picking mission

There are 2 options to create a picking mission:
  1. From the order preparation, opening a batch if the preparation warehouse uses chaotic storage
  2. From a stock transfer if the source warehouse use chaotic storage

      Picking mission for order preparation batch

From the order preparation screen, open batch details and click on the "picking mission" tab:

If the picking mission is not created yet, hit button "Generate picking mission".

      Picking mission for stock transfer

Once the stock transfer is created and products added, select "picking mission" tab to generate the picking mission:

How to process a picking mission

Picking mission must be processed from the mobile application.

Select menu Picking missions and click on the mission you want to process:

Once the picking mission is opened, you must scan the location required and after the product to validate the quantities:

If you need to edit a quantity manually, you can click on a product and modify the quantity:

Once all products are picked, you must save using the validate button at the bottom:

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