Inventory sync to CMS

Inventory sync to CMS

This article describes how the inventory sync works from Connect to your CMS (Magento, prestashop, Shopify etc...)

Warehouse configuration

The first configuration to do is to select the warehouses you want to export to the CMS.
It can be done in the integration view, Configuration tab :

If you select several warehouses, Connect will export the SUM of the warehouses quantities for the product to the CMS.

Note : if you change the warehouse configuration (i.e. : add or remove warehouses), you must manually run the "Stock check" feed from the "Feeds" tab.

Check synchronization status

Every time the quantity available for a product changes, Connect updates the record in the integration view > Inventory sync tab : 

This grid summarizes : 
  1. Sku : the product sku
  2. Current stock : the current stock calculated from the selected warehouses
  3. Last stock sent: the last stock value sent to the CMS
  4. Up to date : Yes if the quantity has been synced, no if it is not yet synced to the CMS

Stock synchronization

Stock synchronization to the CMS is done by feed "Stock level export" : 

A good practice is to schedule it every 5 minutes.
At each run, this feed will load all inventory sync having status "Up to date" = no and will send the stock update to the CMS.

Note : do not enable or manually run this feed if you are not live with Connect, else it may overwrite existing stock level on the CMS.

Force stocks update

If you want to force Connect to send the stock values again to the CMS, go in the "Inventory sync" tab, check all records and select mass action "Force to outdated", then click on "Submit button" : 

This will then change record status to "Up to date" = false and the next "Stock level export" feed execution will send the quantity to the CMS.

Stock check

Almost all CMS integration support a "STOCK CHECK" feed.
It is recommended to run it once a day.
This feed performs the following actions : 
  1. Check that the quantity to push to CMS is correct according to warehouse configuration
  2. Load stock levels from the CMS and compare them to the ones in COnnect : if some discrepencies are found, the system will flag the stock as "outdated" and stocks will be pushed again

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