Notify the supplier

Notify the supplier

Once the Purchase Order is “ready” for you, you can notify your supplier using the “Notify” button : it sends an email to the supplier with the PDF details.

You can use the different statuses to manage the communication between you and the supplier and check the progress, but there is one very important status to consider : 
“Expected” : this is the ONLY status for which Connect will consider your purchase order
and update the quantity expected for the products. If you do NOT switch to this status, Supply needs are not updated and you may re-order the same products several times

You can track products to be received from the “Expected Products” menu.

When you receive the goods, you must create a reception for the Purchase Order : go within the PO and click on the “Receive” button : you can then enter the quantities received (using a barcode scanner or simply filling the quantities). Then, it will increase the product stock level according to the quantities enters and update received quantity for the PO.
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