Shipping methods rules

Shipping methods rules


Shipping methods assigned to the orders are based on Order carries rules. These rules are designed to automatically assign a specific shipping method to orders based on the conditions set. They are triggered as soon as an order is imported in Boostmyshop myFulfillment, regardless the order source (Magento, Prestashop, Amazon, Hiboutik etc..)

Manage order rules

Create order carrier rule

  1. Navigate to Settings > Sales > Order carrier rules

General tab
    1. Name : Enter a name to your rule.
    2. Active : Set "Yes" against the Active dropdown for the rule to be applied on orders imported. 
    3. Priority : Rules are played by priority (1 is the first, 999 is the last). As soon as a rule applies, rules with higher priority wont be used
    4. Notes : Give a note for the rule.  

Conditions tab
All conditions configured must match the order to assign the shipping method configured in the actions tab for the shipping method to be assigned. 
    1. Subtotal : Order's subtotal (product price excl tax). You can define a range, if you dont want to configure max or min, you can leave them empty.
    2. Total weight : Weight of the order in kg(calculated with the sum of products weight)
    3. Product count : The total quantity of products in the order. 
    4. Contains sku : Enter the sku separated with a comma here. Order must contain at least one of the sku configured.
    5. Contains a relay point: Yes/No if the order contains a relay point ID when imported
    6. Payment method : Order payment method must match to one of the selected methods.
    7. Country : The country to which the order is shipped must match to one of the selected countries
    8. Postcode : Enter the postcodes separated with a comma here. Order must match to one of the postcode configured.
    9. Customer Type : Choose if the customer is an individual or runs a company. 

Action tab
    1. Assign shipping method : Select the shipping method to assign to order if the current rules conditions are fulfiled. 

Test / apply rules

You can easily test rules on orders already imported using the "Play order carrier rules" mass action : 
Tick order chekboxes, select the mass action and hit the Submit button.
Rules are then played for each order and shipping method is updated according to the rules result.

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