

Configuration sections

Order preparation configuration is available from menu  Stores > Settings > Configuration > Boostmyshop > Order preparation


Many orders mode
This option will speed up the order preparation screen loading, by only loading content of tabs "In stock" and "In progress" when the screen is displayed.
Other tabs ("Partial", "Backorder" & "On Hold") will only be loaded when you click on them.


Configure here attributes to use through the order preparation screen.

Barcode attribute
Used in packing screen during products scan to retrieve them. Also displayed in Picking PDF (small font layout only) and Packing screen.
Shelf location attribute
Location of the product in the warehouse. Displayed in Picking PDF (small font layout only), and in Packing screen.
Manufacturer attribute
Not used anymore.
Volume attribute
Used to calculate orders total volume, displayed in the “In progress” tab of the preparation screen and in the Picking list (in order information section).
Package number attribute
Available as a shipping template code for each order.
Mpn attribute
Only used for display purpose, in all product pages ERP view.

Order preparation steps

You can select from this section all available steps of order preparation screen.
To get more details about each step, please check both  Concepts &  Preparation steps sections.

In progress orders

Create invoice
Create invoices for orders when they are added to the "In progress" tab


The batch system will replace the "In progress" tab by "batch" tabs allowing to easily prepare batch of orders, that will be grouped based on their shipping method and products they contain.
The tabs added will be :
  1. New batches : Batches newly created, for which shipping labels will be pregenerated (if the pregeneration option below is enabled).
  2. Active batches : Batches for which picking lists have been printed, currently prepared.
  3. All batches : Batches history.
Enable the batch system
Min number of order(s) in unique batches
Minimum number of orders needed to create a batch of type "unique"
Max number of order(s) in unique batches
Maximum number of orders allowed for batches of type "unique"
Min number of order(s) in single batches
Minimum number of orders needed to create a batch of type "single"
Max number of order(s) in single batches
Maximum number of orders allowed for batches of type "single"
Max number of order(s) in multiple batches
Maximum number of orders needed to create a batch of type "multiple"
Print format
Format of Picking list PDFs generated bor batches
Disable label pregeneration
Disable shipping labels pregeneration during the order preparation process


PDF Layout
Set the picking list layout. You can chose between ‘Large font with image’ or ‘Small font’
Include global picklist
Include a summary page of all products to pickup to prepare all orders from the "In Progress" tab
Print organizers
Include one page by order displaying products to pickup, for all orders from the "In Progress" tab
Include single order picklist
Minimum number of orders needed to create a batch of type "single"
Sort mode
Select the way products on picking list pages will be sorted.
Print custom options
Display or not products custom options on picking list pages.
Group bundle items
 Group bundle items together with the parent product on picking list pages
Enable picking per bin
Enable the picking per bin feature, which allow to prepare orders using a mobile bins cart.
Orders will be numbered on picking list pages to match bins cart.
Cart bin size
    Size of the cart bins, meaning how many orders can be put in each cart bin.
Print format
    Format of the picking list PDF


Change order status after packing
Allow to modify the order status when you confirm the packing
Order status to define if state is processing
Requires previous setting enabled ‘Change order status after packing’ : Order status to define if the order state is processing
Order status to define if state is complete
Requires previous setting enabled ‘Change order status after packing’ : Order status to define if the order state is complete
Allow partial packing
If enabled, you can partially pack an order from the packing screen : then only scanned products will be added to the new shipment
Create order shipment
If enabled, a shipment is created when you confirm the packing
Create order invoice
If enabled, an invoice is created when you confirm the packing
Invoice only shipped items
Requires previous setting enabled : only packed products will be invoiced
Automatic invoice download
Once you confirm the packing, the invoice PDF document is automatically downloaded
Automatic packing slip download
Once you confirm the packing, the shipment PDF document (packing slip) is automatically downloaded
Automatic shipping label / carrier template download
Once you confirm the packing, the carrier template file is automatically downloaded

Download documents

Include invoices
If you need to include invoices in documents to download
Include packing slips
If you need to include packing slips in documents to download

Order statuses mapping

The order statuses mapping section will help you to  manage the distribution of all Magento "opened" orders into the different Order preparation screen tabs .
There will be no automatic distribution of orders between the different tabs based on ordered products stock levels unless the  Inventory Management module or the full  ERP extension has also been installed.
The Order preparation module alone can only distribute orders between thge different tabs based on order statuses.
Only these modules can manage the distribution of orders between the Order preparation screen tabs based on the stock reservation system, that will be able to differenciate in stock, partial and out of stock orders.

Each tab of the Order preparation screen (except the “In progress” one which contains orders you have added manually) have a list from where you can select which order statuses will be associated to it :

If you select the same statuses for differents tab, orders having these statuses will be displayed in each tabs.
More information on the different order preparation tabs understanding in the  Concepts &  Workflow sections.

Address label

This section helps to configure how address labels wil be generated (see : Address labels configuration).
You can configure the size of pages generated using Label width & Label height settings, and modify the left and top margin with Left margin and Top margin settings.
You can also define what font size will be used with the Text size setting.

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