Order details edition

Order details edition

Order details edition

Some order details can be edited in Myfulfillment, from the order popup.
This popup is usually available from the "Details" link displayed in all orders grids.
All order changes made from MyFulfillment will globaly not be pushed back to your CMS.
Their unique goal si to allow a good working of order preparation if some details need to be changed (for example customer addresses details or product(s) ordered, as described below).

Shipping & Billing addresses edition

You can change the shipping and billing address of orders from their popup, in the "Overview" tab.
To do it, simply click on the "Edit" link available next to "Shipping address" and "Billing address" fields : 

This will open a new popup from where you will be able to edit selected address. 
Once changes have been made, click on "Save" to apply them.

Order items edition

From orders popup, you will be able in the "Products" section to process actions on ordered items.
Available actions can be found in the drop-down displayed in the "Actions" column.

Cancel an order item

To cancel an order item, select the action "Cancel" from the drop-down :

The "Cancel" action will only be available if the order has not been invoiced or shipped yet.

Exchange an order item with another one

To exchange an order item with another one, select the action "Change product" from the drop-down :

This will open a popup from where you will be able to select the product to exchange with.
Simply click on "Select" in the "Action" column to select a product :

The price and qty of the initial product will stay after it have been echanged.
The purpose of exchanging a product with another one is to get correct order details during the order preparation process.

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