

You can manage your dynamic price optimisation settings under Settings > Pricing.

Price optimization method

You can choose the type of repricing from : 

- Reprice Within marketplace : your product will be repriced against your competitors' offers found in your own marketplace
- Reprice Across marketplace : your product will be repriced against your competitors' offers found in all the channels you monitor

To activate global repricing, you need to send your request to our support team using the "Help and support" option.

You can send your optimised price as a promotional price and choose the crossed-out price to be displayed in your sales channel:

- Promotional price: If the sales channel in question allows you to do so, you can display the price calculated by myPricing as a promotional price
(For example: €10, which represents -20%).

You must select a crossed-out price field before activating this option

- Striked price field: The strikethrough price to be displayed in your sales channel can come from the Maximum Price or Maximum Retail Price (MRR) fields (you can import it using a csv file).

Price Live updation to channel

Activating this option allows you to send your prices to the selected marketplace.
Synchronising prices is the last step in your configuration and it is important to ensure that this option is active so that optimised prices are sent to your sales channel.

Ignore competitors shipping fees

      Enabling this option will exclude or ignore competing shipping costs that are taken into account in price calculations.

Ignore my shipping fees

      Allows whether the shipping costs are taken into account in price calculations.

Exclude competitors

Add the names of competitors you would like to include/exclude when calculating the optimised price. You can only either choose include or exclude competitor , not both at the same time.

Price Optimization strategy

      Allows you to change your price optimization strategy by clicking on the "Change now" link

User Price attributes 

      The user product attributes option allows you to view the data entered manually in the "Price optimisation" tab of myPricing.
      By clicking on the "Manage" button, you will get the pop-up shown below.

You can see the fields and the number of products for which a manual change has been made.
Would you like to delete all manual entries for a given field? Simply click on the  which will reset all the data for this particular field.

Price optimization

      Allows you to restart the price optimization calculations by clicking on the "Optimize now" link. You can also see when the last synchronisation of optimised prices took place.

Danger Zone

      This option will allow you to reset your reference prices by clicking on the button. 
This operation will retrieve your prices currently online to consider them as a new reference price

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