Supplier details

Supplier details

Supplier details

1. Suppliers management

The suppliers grid is available from the grid available in menu :

InfoPurchasing >> Suppliers

2.1 Add a new supplier

From this grid, you will find a "Add a new supplier" button located at the bottom right corner.
Once you click on this button, a new screen will be displayed, where you can fill supplier base information and settings, through 3 differents tabs : General, Settings and Contacts.
Only supplier "Name" field is a required field to be able to "Save" and create a supplier.

2.2 Delete a supplier

To delete a supplier, simply go to the supplier grid and click on the supplier to delete from there.
This will open its edition screen, from where you will find a "Delete Supplier" button located at the bottom right corner.
Simply click on this button to delete the current supplier.

All products associated to this supplier will not be deleted, they will only be dissociated from this supplier.

2. Supplier configuration

Once a supplier has been created, you can define its base information from the 3 first tabs.

2.1 General

This tab contains base information about the supplier :
- Name : Supplier name, displayed in Connect screens.
- Code : Supplier code, used for import purpose.
- Contact : Supplier phone number.
- Email : Supplier email address.
The value set there is very important as all purchase orders associated to the supplier will be sent to this email address.
- Website : Supplier website URL.
- Locale : Supplier language. This will be used to get purchase orders email templates in the correct language.
- Status : Supplier status. Inactive suppliers should not be used anymore in Connect.
- Website : Your website name in Connect. Cannot be changed.
- Notes : Add some custom notes about supplier there.

2.2 Settings

This tab contains default settings that will be applied to purchase orders associated to the supplier :
- Minimum of order : Minimum amount imposed by the supplier for each purchase order, if there is one.
Connect will display a warning message in purchase orders associated to this supplier if their total amount doesn’t reach this value.
- Carriage Free Amount : Amount imposed by the supplier to get free carriage, if there is one.
Connect will display a warning message in purchase orders associated to this supplier if their total amount doesn’t reach this value.
- Global discount : Default global discount set (can then be changed from purchase orders if needed).
- Currency : Default currency set(can then be changed from purchase orders if needed).
- Tax rate : Default tax rate set (can then be changed from purchase orders if needed).
- Supply delay : Delay needed by the supplier to order products.
- Shipping delay 
: Delay needed by the supplier to ship products.
- Payment terms 
: Supplier payment terms.
- Shipping instructions : Add there instructions related to supplier shipping.


2.3 Contacts

This tab contains information about supplier Sales, Accounting and After sales team.

You can set for each one important information such as :
- Contact : Contact name.
- Email : Contact email address.
- Telephone : Contact phone number.
- Notes : Additional notes about this contact.

2.4 Notifications

This tab contains settings for Purchase order sending to the supplier.
It is divided in 2 sections : Notifications and Files Settings.

Notifications :
- Send email notification : Send purchase orders requierements via email to the supplier by clicking on their "Notifiy" button.
- Attach PDF : Attach purchase order PDF to these emails.
- Attach File : Attach purchase order export file to these emails.
File settings :
- File name : Name of the generated file from the Export section of purchase orders.
- File header : First line of the file.
- Order header : Header line, generally used for XML export only.
- Product line : Product line, generated for each product of the purchase order.
- Order footer : Footer line, generally used for XML export only.
- File footer : Last line of the file.
In the Product line field, all available codes displayed at the end of the File settings section can be used between brackets.

For example, if you want to retrieve the product SKU in the exported file, you can add the following data in the product field :

Here is an example of configuration used to generate an CSV file :

Here is an example of configuration used to generate an XML file :

3. Other tabs

3.1 Products

This tab shows the list of products associated to the current supplier.
You can click on the product SKU to access the product page quickly.

3.2 Orders

This tab shows the list of purchase orders for the current supplier. 
You can access to any purchase order quickly by clicking on its reference in the first column.

3.3 Sales report 

This tab provides a way to create reports to analyze current supplier sales.

To create a custom report, simply chose a Start and End dates, then select the warehouse to retrieve data from and click on "Download report".

Connect will then generate and download an Excel sheet containing the following columns :
- Sku : Product SKU.
- Supplier Sku : Supplier Sku for the product.
- Product : Product name.
- Stock(from) : Product stock at the Start date selected.
- Stock(to) : Product stock at the End date selected.
- Difference : Difference between Initial and Final stock.

3.4 Supplier returns:  

This tabs lists all supplier returns created.

3.5 Organizer

This tab displays all Organizers associated to the current supplier.

For more information about Organizers, please take a look at the Organizer documentation.

3.6 Reports

This tab provides a report of purchased amout for the current suppllier, sorted by date.

You can create a custom report filtering it by Store, Period and adjusting the "Group by" field.


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