Supplier offers

Supplier offers


The Supplier offers integration is designed to allow you to import supplier product stock level into a specific warehouse and other information like the buying price, supplier SKU, minimun quantity, and if supplier is the primary supplier. 
The information imported for a supplier will update the product / supplier association.


To create the Supplier offers integration you have to go into Menu > Integrations > Manage Integrations > 'New integration' at the bottom right of the screen.

Define some information :
  1. Title = the name of the integration with for example the name of your Supplier for which you want import the product stock level.
  2. Enabled = don't enable it until you have configured all the integration / configuration
  3. Type = Supplier offers
  4. Website = your website
  5. Execution group = general


To configure the way file import will be done, go into the Configuration tab of the suplier offers integration.
Next will be described each section available in the configuration tab.


  1. Import method : Method to use to import the file (FTP or URL).
  2. File type : Type of the file imported (CSV or XML)
  3. Supplier : If your file contains products for a single supplier only, select it there.
  4. Warehouse : Warehouse in which stock levels will be imported.
  5. Disable error logs : Don't display import errors in feeds details. This will speed up the import of large files.


Depending of the import method defined in the "General" section, this section display will change to allow you to set correct information about the file to import.

URL settings

If the import method is defined on "URL", the file settings section will look like :

There you can define the URL from where files can be imported.
A field is available for the stock & price file URL, another one is available for the sipping confirmation file URL.

FTP settings

If the import method is defined on "FTP", the file settings section will look like :

There you can define the settings of the server where the file to import is located.


This section will help you to configure the scheme of the file to import.
Using these settings, each information imported will be mapped to the correct one.
It look likes :

Here is the description of each available option :

 Skip first line
 Skip the first line of the CSV file
 Set stock to 0 for missing products
 This will set to 0 the stock of all products associated to the warehouse defined in the "General" section, if they are not available in the file imported.
 Round up quantities

 Enable this option to improve stock level import performance. This will round up the quantities imported:
If stock is below 5 → exact quantity
If stock between 5 & 10 → quantity of 5
If stock between 10 & 20 → quantity of 10
If stock is above 20 → quantity will be 20
 Replace negative quantities by 0
 If a negative quantity is found among quantities imported, it will be replaced by 0
 Field separator
 Field separator used in the CSV file to make separation   between columns. Example : , OR ;
 Character used as enclosure to delimit each field.   Example : "
 Supplier code index
 (Mandatory only for Multiple Suppliers)
 Index of the supplier code column in the file.
 SKU index (mandatory)
 Index of SKU column in the file.
 Supplier SKU index
 Index of Supplier SKU column in the file.
 Barcode index
 Index of Barcode column in the file.
 Qty index
 Index of Qty column in the file.
 Buying Price index
 Index of Buying Price column in the file.
 MOQ index
 Index of MOQ column in the file.
 Is primary index
 Index of Is primary column in the file, example 0 for No   and 1 for Yes
 Supply delay index
 Index of supplier supply delay column in the file.
 Shipping delay index
 Index of supplier shipping delay column in the file.
 Discontinued index
 Index of discontinued attribute column in the file.
 Availability date index
 Index of availability date column in the file.
Use american format and separated with [ - ]
All indexes start from 0.
About the product matching between your product into Connect and the product into the supplier file to import :
When a specific supplier is selected for the suppliers offers integration the product matching during the import will be done on (depending of the index you defined) :
  1. The Product sku
  2. Then barcode
  3. Then finally on the supplier product sku.
The product matching by supplier product SKU doesn't works if the integration supplier offers is designed to import stock for multiple suppliers. 


The supplier offer integration can also be used to automatically confirm dropship orders from a CSV file available on a URL or a FTP server.
You must first configure how the system will download the csv file, for this you have 2 options : URL or FTP : 

Once the download method is configured, you must enter the file URL or PATH under the URL settings / FTP Settings.

The next step is to configure the csv file columns for the dropship confirmation : this can be done in the "Dropship confirmation file settings" : 

For instance,this configuration would match to the following file : 


Once everything is configured, you can manually run the "Dropship confirmation" feed to test it : 


This section display a mapping component that will help to replace some stock levels values found in file imported by other ones.
It can happen that some suppliers provide not numeric values for stock levels. For example, some supplier have a "out of stock" value in their file to indicate a "0" qty.
Using this section, you'll be able to setup for example all "out of stock" values to be replaced by "0" at the time file is imported.
Here is a screenshot showing some use cases :


This section helps you to hide some feeds from the "Feeds" tab, to prevent anyone to manually run them from there.

Update stocks & product/supplier associations

When an import is done through the supplier offer integration, product/supplier associations will be updated.
As example : if your Supplier offers integration is setted to be Supplier = Multiple Suppliers and the locale file is build like this : 
Supplier 1;24-MB04;50;55;10;1
Supplier 2;24-MB04;5;10;5;0

The product stock level will be updated in the warehouse defined from the Configuration > General tab > Warehouse  AND into the prodcut / supplier association in the 'supplier stock' field.

Other information will be imported into the product / supplier association :
For product sku 24-MB04 / supplier 1 :
- Buying price will be 55
- MOQ will be 10
- Supplier 1 will be define as the primary supplier
- Supplier stock level will be 50

Aside of this the product imported will have stock updated into the warehouse defined.
So for product sku 24-MB04 the stock level into the warehouse will be 50.
You can check the stock movement done on this product into the warehouse by going on Menu > Products > your product > Stock movement tab, then search into the 'Comments' column comment like : '[Title of your Supplier Offers integration] stock import'
You can check the product / supplier association from Menu > Purchasing > Product / Supplier association by filtering on your supplier

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