Using the LOCAL and HTTP mode catalogue for Pricinglab

Using the LOCAL and HTTP mode catalogue for Pricinglab

How to create the LOCAL and HTTP mode Catalogue

This document explains how to create the perfect template for Pricinglab's LOCAL and HTTP mode catalogue integration. 

1. Use a system such as Excel, or OpenOffice Calc or any system that permits you to :
  1. save a file in a .csv format
  2. save the file to have 'comma' or 'semicolon' delimiters for the columns;
  3. save the file to have 'quotation marks' as the text seperators;
2. Headers for the LOCAL mode catalogue files you integrate :
  1. sku - column 1 - this is compulsory, the first column must be titled 'sku' in lower case;
  2. ean - column 2 - this is compulsory if you are repricing or monitoring any Google Shopping channels or Fnac;
  3. when naming the headers, do not change the names as this will "break" the mapping. For example if you use a column 'purchase price' and you rename it to 'purchase cost' the 'Purchase Price' rule is mapped to 'purchase price' will no longer function;
  4. you may add or remove them if needs be, however if they affect your pricing strategy do not forget to check with your technical support manager, i.e Brand rules, and removing the Brand column would break these rules;
  5. you may have any columns you require, if your strategy focuses on 'minimum price and maximum price', you may add a column 'min price' and 'max price' for example.
3. Important reminders which can prevent a file from being imported :
  1. Using 'commas' or 'semicolons' in the text or value fields. For example when adding a price in 'purchase price' do not save it as 15,99 simply save it as 15.99 as the 'full stop' is not use to seperate columns;
  2. Convert your 'ean' or 'barcode' column into a 'text' field before saving the file under a .csv format;
  3. Your SKUs must be unique, if you have 2 SKUs with the reference '1-001-00' only one will be integrated;
4. Download the Example LOCAL Mode.csv file attached to this article. You can remove the example product, this template is fully functional to use, simply add or remove what is not required for you.

5. For the HTTP mode, you will need to deposit the file you generate onto a URL or FTP location, from there provide Pricinglab the URL/location so that the file may be picked up by the system automatically.

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