Warehouse routing

Warehouse routing


The warehouse routing system helps in the assignment of dispatch warehouses to each product in an order when the orders are imported from CMS to to Boostmyshop myFulfillment. 

The warehouse assigned to a product in an order will define which way they will be dispatched :
- From the Order preparation screen if it is a Shipping warehouse.
- From the DropShip screen if it is a dropship warehouse.

You can see which warehouse is assigned to any order item from the "Sales > Orders" grid, in the "Products" column  :

The dispatch warehouse is also visible and editable under Sales > Orders > click on the required order > Overview > Products. 

The warehouse assigned to a product in an order through the routing rule can be checked in the History of order.

Manage warehouse routing 

Create Warehouse routing

You can setup the routing configuration from menu "Settings > Sales " :

- To create a new rule, use the "Add a new rule" button located in the bottom right corner.
- To edit a rule, click on its row, you will then be able to configure its properties.

General tab
This tab contains global properties of a rule.
- Name : Name of the rule, give a clear name to your rule in order to identify it later.
- Active : If set to No, rule will not be considered.
- Priority : Rules are executed using priority system, from the lowest to the highest : for example, rule 1 will be executed before rule 10.
- Notes : Add internal comments there.
Conditions tab
This tab lists conditions that an order must fulfill in order to use the current rule.
- Shipping method : The rule will be applied to orders having the chosen shipping method. 
- Store : Only orders associated to selected stores can use the current rule.
- Country : Select countries to which this rule applies to.
- Supplier :  Select supplier(s) for whom this rule applies to.
- Manufacturer : Choose the manufacturers for whom the rule should be applied. 
- SKU contains : Enter the SKU of products that falls under this rule. Multiple SKU's can be seperated by comma. 
Actions tab
If the product in an order fulfills the conditions, the system will run actions to assign a warehouse. 
- Require stock in warehouse : If enabled, Boostmyshop myFulfillment will assign warehouse to the product in order only if in stock in the selected warehouse.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : If enabled, Boostmyshop myFulfillment will assign a warehouse to the product only if all ordered products are in stock in the selected warehouse. 
If the 2 previous options are enabled together, the second one will get priority.
- Warehouse selection : You can select the desired warehouse(s) to which the products are to be assigned and also sort them using drag and drop to change their priority.

Edit warehouse routing 

Navigate to Inventory > Warehouse routing > click on the required routing rule > make the required modifications > Save. 

Delete warehouse routing  

- Navigate to Inventory > Warehouse routing. 
- Click on the routing rule to be deleted. 
- Head to General tab and select No against Active dropdown. 
- Save the changes. 

Routing configuration examples

Single dispatch warehouse configuration

If you use a single warehouse to dispatch all products, the configuration to apply will be pretty simple :
- Create a rule, give it a name and enable it.
- In the conditions tab, select "All" for each option.
- In the actions tab, tick the warehouse and configure both "Require stock" dropdowns with "No" option.

Multiple dispatch warehouses : route by customer address

If you use multiple warehouses and want to dispatch orders depending on the customer's country, configure rules as follow. In this example, we assume that there are two warehouses :
- One warehouse in New York.
- One warehouse in Paris.
Orders coming from American customers must be fulfilled from the New York one, any other orders must be fullfiled from the Paris one.

Create a first rule for NY :
General : 
- Name : USA fulfillment.
- Active : Yes.
- Priority : 1.
Conditions :
- Store : All.
- Country : US, MX, CA.
- Supplier : All.
Actions : 
- Require stock in warehouse : No.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : No.
- Warehouse selection : Tick New York warehouse only.

Create a second rule for Paris :
General : 
- Name : Paris fulfillment.
- Active : Yes.
- Priority : 2.
Conditions : 
- Store : All.
- Country : All.
- Supplier : All.
Action : 
- Require stock in warehouse : No.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : No.
- Warehouse selection : Tick Paris warehouse only.

When a new order comes, Boostmyshop myFulfillment will first check if the Rule #1 can be applied :
- If customer shipping address belongs to US / CA / MX, then the New York warehouse will be assigned and the process stops there.
- If the first rule can't be applied (ie : shipping address country is another one), the second rule will be applied.

Multiple dispatch warehouse : route by stock levels

In this example, we assume that you have 2 warehouses in France :
- One warehouse in Paris.
- One warehouse in Nice. 
Business requirements are : 
- We want to ship orders from a single warehouse if possible.
- If ordered products are not all in stock in a warehouse, then dispatch them from the Paris one.
Create a first rule :
General : 
- Name : All products in stock fulfillment.
- Active : Yes.
- Priority : 1.
Conditions : 
- Store : All.
- Country : All.
- Supplier : All.
Actions : 
- Require stock in warehouse : Yes.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : Yes.
- Warehouse selection : Tick Paris and Nice warehouses.
Create a second rule :
General : 
- Name : Paris dispatch.
- Active : Yes.
- Priority : 1.
Conditions : 
- Store : All.
- Country : All.
- Supplier : All.
Actions : 
- Require stock in warehouse : No.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : No.
- Warehouse selection : Tick Paris warehouse only.

Fallback rule

If you configure complex rules, it is highly advised to setup a fallback rule. A fallback rule is a rule with the latest possible priority that will be used if none of the previous rules apply to an order item. It is important to setup a fallback rule, because if no warehouse routing is found for an order, an exception is raised and the order can not be imported.

Fallback rule example :
General : 
- Name : Fallback rule.
- Active : Yes.
- Priority : 999999.
Conditions : 
- Store : All.
- Country : All.
- Supplier : All.
Actions : 
- Require stock in warehouse : No.
- Require stock in warehouse for all items : No.
- Warehouse selection : Tick the default warehouse only.

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