Order Preparation
AutoPrint Web - Print shipping labels from mobile App
Autoprint web is a feature allowing to send shipping labels to printer when you pack orders from BMS Mobile application. Prerequiresites To use Autoprint Web, you need: A mobile device with BMS Mobile to pack orders A computer ("AutoPrint station") ...
Consumable products management in order preparation
Consumable products overview Consumable products are products you dont sell but you use during the shipping process, like parcels, cardboard, bags etc... myFulfillment allows to configure products as consumable, and scan them during the order ...
Creating partial invoice and partial shipment
1. Configuration:- Order preparation configuration is available from Settings > Order preparation tab > Packing Section > Allow partial packing > "Yes" 2. Processing Order:- Please follow below video. After clicking on"Print" the invoice pdf and ...
Batch orders in Order preparation
Overview This article explains how to use the batch option in order preparation. Enable the feature You can not enable this feature by yourself, please contact support to enable it New tabs in order preparation When the batch feature is enabled, tabs ...
Order preparation in bulk (mass print documents and labels)
Overview This article explains how to configure and use the order preparation screen to print documents and labels in bulk. This method assumes that you print everything before starting to pack orders. Note : This method is not recommended, prefer to ...
Shipping label / Tracking step
Shipping label / Tracking step Shipping Export to shipping software Once shipping information are filled for selected order, system is able to create a file (using the shipping label template) to export order information in shipping software and ...
Packing step
The packing applies on orders in the batch. To pack an order, you can : Scan the barcode on the picking list Select the order with the drop down menu on the top left corner. In both cases, the order details are displayed, with the products to pack. ...
Picking step
Picking step By clicking on the Picking button, a PDF file download will be launched containing all details of the selected orders. The PDF file will consist of a Global Picking List page serving as a summary, followed by a separate page for each ...
Order selection step
Order selection step This first step (mandatory) is designed to select orders to add in the batch of orders to manage. Only “opened orders” will be displayed in the Order preparation screen. Opened orders are orders which are not fully shipped, and ...
Order preparation workflow
Order preparation workflow Select product batch : select a batch of orders to process. You can pick orders in any tab (in stock / out of stock / holded). The selected orders are then added into the “In progress” tab, with a preparation status to ...
Order preparation overview
Order preparation overview The Order preparation screen will help you to easily prepare your orders through a friendly and professionnal interface spliting the preparation process into different steps. This screen is divided into 4 differents tab ...