Stocks & locations
Advanced bin location management
Overview This article explains how to switch to the advanced bin location management in Boostmyshop myFulfillment. This feature provides several improvements: Create bin locations directory(can be done manually or in mass) Print bin location barcode ...
Shelf locations management
Shelf location are used to locate products in the warehouse. Note : Connect supports only one location per product / warehouse, multiple locations / chaotic storage is not supported How to use shelf locations Locations are used to sort the picking ...
Low stock alerts (warning and ideal stock levels)
Overview To manage low stock alerts and optimize replenishemnt, Connect uses 2 stock levels : Warning stock level : this is the reorder point, when available stock goes below this limit, the alert is raisen in the supply needs Ideal stock level : ...
Force stock to import order (Stock movement)
This article explains why we may have stock movements with label "Force stock to import order" : When you configure action to perform for order import in an integration, you can select an option to import and ship directly the order : In that case, ...
Stock Helper
Stock Helper The stock helper screen has been designed to help you to optimize your products ideal & warning stock levels depending of procurement and sales history data. To reach the stock helper screen : In the stock helper grid, you will find one ...
Bulk editor
Mass stock editor The mass stock editor screen has been designed to easily update your products stock levels and shelf locations. Only warehouse(s) having the setting "Fulfillment method" set to "Shipping" or "Store pickup" will be displayed in the ...
Barcode inventory
. Overview Barcode Inventory is designed to easily update products stock level using a barcode reader. Scanning any product barcode, you will then be able to automatically increase or decrease its stock level, or even manually set it, depending of ...
Stock take
Stock Take The stock take feature has been designed to help you to check at given times your warehouse(s) stock levels. You can access it from menu Inventory > Stock take. This will lead you to a grid where all stock takes already created will be ...