This article explains the different concepts around product costs.
Understanding the different costs
In myFulfillment, you will see cost fields in different places.
Cost value at product level
The cost value for a product is visible in the product list
This cost value aims to contain the weighted average cost, this is the average buying price of the product based on the purchase order history and the current stock level.
It is used for statistic purposes and margin calculation in orders.
By default, this cost is populated by your CMS (prestashop / magento / shopify).
To enable the automatic calculation of this cost based on purchase order history, check the
Weighted Average Cost

Note: when you create a new purchase order, this cost is NOT used, this is the supplier buying price which is used.
Supplier buying price
This is the gross buying price for a product when you purchase it to a supplier.
The supplier buying price is stored at the product / supplier association level, you can see it in the product view (tab suppliers):
This buying price is automatically used as default price when you create a new purchase order :
There are several way to update the buying price:
- Importing a csv file manually : https://help.boostmyshop.com/portal/en/kb/articles/product-supplier-association#3_Import_file
- Import a price list from supplier server: https://help.boostmyshop.com/portal/en/kb/articles/supplier-offers
- Automatically: when you receive a purchase, the buying price in the purchase order is automatically stored as the new buying price for the supplier
Cost in order margin tab
If you go in order view, you can see a tab where margin details:
When an order is imported in Boostmyshop, this cost is automatically initialized with the product cost (see section above).
When an order is shipped, this cost is automatically updated with the new product cost (which may have changed due to purchasing to fulfill this order).
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