Product information

Product information


Boostmyshop myFulfillment does not allow to create products from Scratch, you can import the products via integrations (mostly from your CMS).

Product list

You can check the list of products available in Boostmyshop myFulfillment under Products menu. 

Columns explanation : 
  1. Image : This is the main product image. 
  2. Organizer : Internal notes or tasks attached to the product. If notes are available, an icon is shown in this column and you can get the details moving cursor on the icon. If you wish to add new notes to product, click on the product row.
  3. Sku : This is the unique reference of the product.
  4. Type : Simple or Kit or Alias.
  5. MPN : Manufacturer part number. Check under Integration > Configuration to import this information from your CMS.
  6. Barcode : EAN or UPC code.
  7. Manufacturer : Product's manfacturer. This can be mapped under Integration > Configuration > Vendor mapping. 
  8. Product : Displays the product name fetched from CMS. 
  9. Status : Enabled or Disabled. 
  10. Discontinued : A discontinued product is a product that you can not purchase. If set to yes, the product will be removed from Supply needs.  
  11. Cost : This is the weighted average cost calculated from the purchase order history. Most integrations automatically import a value for this cost when the product is created. This can be updated by running CRON integration under Integrations > CRON integration > Feeds. Run the Update products cost and Update WAC of products to update this field. 
  12. Price : Selling price of the product. 
  13. Stock details : Details of stock levels in different warehouses.
  14. Suppliers : Suppliers associated with the product. The primary supplier is underlined. 

Product view

To see the product details, click on the product's SKU > Details. 


  1. Purchase order : This section shows purchase orders raised for this product having status expected.
  2. Warehouses : For each warehouse associated to the product, you get : 
    1. On hand : This is the physical quantity in the warehouse.
    2. To ship : Quantity of the product that is yet to be shipped.
    3. Reserved : Quantity reserved for pending orders.
    4. Available : Quantity available for sales in the warehouse
    5. Warning stock level : Reorder point where Boostmyshop myFulfillment will recommend you to purchase the product.
    6. Ideal stock level : Ideal quantity to reach for purchasing recommendations (supply needs).
    7. Location : This is the shelf location in the warehouse. It is printed on the picking list
  3. New stock movement : To move the stock from one warehouse to another or increase/decrease the stock in a specific warehouse. Prefer the help link
  4. Sales history : The sales made out of the product in specified periods. 

Integration details

Here you can find the Integration details of the products.

The data displayed are:
Integration : The integration via which the product is imported. 
Type : Display the type of your integration. Eg: Prestashop, Meganto2, Shopify, Virtual etc.. 
External Id : The product ID fetched from the CMS integrated. 

Purchase orders

Contains all the purchase orders raised for the product. 


List the suppliers associated to the product. To link a new supplier with the product, select the supplier from dropdown menu, enter the supplier sku and buying price and hit the save button. You can easily edit the current suppliers in the grid below, and click on the save button. 

Stock movements

This grid show the out flow and inflow of stocks in your warehouse.  The stock movement can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon against it. If you want to create a new stock movement for the product, make use of this help document for reference -

Orders to ship

This grid displays orders with the shipment status as pending. 

Stock allocation

This feature is available in the orders to ship tab. From here, you can also change the stock allocation between orders. 

Consider that you have only 1 quantity in stock, but 2 orders. Automatic reservation will reserve the stock for first order, so the second one cannot be shipped. If for any reason, you want to ship the new order first, you must reallocate the stock from the old order to the new one.

Case on point : Patrick received two orders with the same product, but only one quantity is in stock. The shipment delay for customer who placed the order first is one day and the next customer is three days. The product will be restocked in two days. So, he wants to make the shipment for second order before the first order. For this case, he can use stock allocation. 

To accomplish this task, you must select the old order in the left dropdown menu, the new one in the right and save the changes. 

All orders

Here you can find all the orders placed for this product. 


From here you can add organizers (internal notes) for the current product. For more information about the organizer, click here : Organizer

Attributes : 

The attributes from the CMS will be synced and displayed on this screen. Attributes like barcode, MPN, weight, cost, volume, Package number, Discontinued, price, etc,. 

When the product synchronization feeds runs, the new value will overwrite the old value. 


Search the products by SKU and name, and you can add the product as an alias product.  From here, you can delete the Alias products too. Click on this help link for more understanding on Aliases product. 

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